Roller Door with Warning Light v 1.0


This is a roll up door with warning light which flashes when the door is in action
It is intended for installation on a map with the GE

Author: ieg53i


3 Responses to Roller Door with Warning Light v 1.0

  1. max16122 says:

    But I have a question for you ieg53i.
    I am on modding a garage door but I don’t know how to script it to make it move up and down when the farmer is near.
    May could you help me ?

  2. max16122 says:

    PS. Please contact me at [email protected] 😉

  3. seraph says:

    Hi.I have a problem.Your roller door doesn´t work.I have this on GE editor but if i start game and try this nothing happend.

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