Search Results for: pig

Sweet Home LS 09 v 3.0 with Schweinemast

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– Added pig
– Added pork sales to cattle traders at the port
– Farm was slightly modified to accommodate the pig to create

Authors: Galli84, Jogo1980,marhu, bergi2001


Zuidwest Friesland v 1.2

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– Standard fruit + sugar beet and potatoes
– Dutch windmill
– A gate
– A dairy, where you can sell the milk
– A garden center where you can sell Solid dung and liquid manure
– Three farms:
– 1nd farm – you can store the crops wheat, barley, canola, corn
– 2nd farm – potatoes, sugar beet and corn, there are also two barns
– 3rd farm – of cows and where you can get the milk. A barn with cows but has no function
– Added a piggery
– The piggery has water, Potatoes, Wheat, Single
– In the stable you can take solid manure and use it for land or sell at the garden center

Authors: William10, Klaasw, EJBFarmingBV, Giants, Fatian, Sandgroper, manuel, Big-M-Lord, Chuzonet, NI Modding


Livestock Trailer Pack v 1.0


Pigs trailer for 200 Pigs: blue, green, orange, red and rost Trailers

Authors: oxtar


Sperl Hof v 1.0

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This is a 4FachMap with 3 large agricultural fields for large agricultural machines, a mountain lake with dam, a big city with a campsite and castle. Anything further please discover yourself.
After many wish there is also the starting vehicles, so no one has to apply for Hartz fourth Wither off. Pig is also installed.

Author: Opa Jeytee


Kuhn SPV Tera Ultra v 1.0


– The Kuhn SPV Tera Ultra Xtreme Platinum November brings players a little more power.
– Too little food for the cows, sheep, or pigs with the Kuhn SPV Tera Ultra no longer an issue.
– My 15,000 cows and 10,000 sheep are always provided best.
– Use: straw, hay, grass, and silage bales.
– Loading capacity: 10 XL-bale / l 1,000,000

Authors: Giants Software, Askari


MIG Map Made In Germany Celle Region v 0.80 BETA

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– Pig is also built in, is 3 pieces. The individual is also where the real with a machine shop is, almost in the corner at the gas station field 68 The other two are located in the village 3 box 37 where a large poultry house actually is, but as there is still no Geflügelmod, there are up to then stop pigs
– Court expanded somewhat in the village 3
– Road signs, posts and information signs inserted
– Signs and post adjusted, replaced, expanded, colli sions removed
– Set visibility of some buildings were still partially in 100000 meters
– Terrain texture doubled adjusted Schwadreiten
– Corn stubble Distance texture in Green changed was before Brown
– Terrain adjusted
– BGA station
– Butcher
– Fox Fass washable
– Fixed BGA manure pits Plan, came e.g. from the ground until 20000l
– Reduced growth time of 8 ingame days to 5
– Changed and exchanged fruit textures
– 2 more fields start with turnips and potatoes for pig
– Growth time of 8 ingame days reduced to 5. Who wants a Pro level Ingametag, simply replace this file with the in your map, then you have 24 game hours per level. Before that, all xxxgrowthState.xml in your savegame delete so that the new values ​​are used

Authors: Bullgore, KretersIsland, Pille, Illuminated, Tessmann85 FSM, Flymaster