More Realistic Game Engine v 1.3.36


New in this version:
– Masses on the wheels are not computed from spring extension anymore (only with Giants patch 2.1 final). We are getting the value directly from the nvidia physx engine. (more accurate and more reliable)
– Added spanish translation
– Fixed some bugs and make the “mr engine” more suitable for “manual gear box” transmission
– Changed the “name” of the “mr engine” in the “moddesc.xml” to “AAA MoreRealistic game engine” so that the “mr engine” is always the first mod to be loaded when playing in multiplayer
– MR v 1.3 supports Giants patch 2.0 again (retro compatibility)
– Support “gsVehicleReloadFromXML” console command
– Added missing sell price and density for “rye_windrow”
– Set the default multiplier for “pig” and “beef” to 1
– Hired workers consume fertilizer in hard and normal difficulties.
– Engine brake force adjustement with the new fixed ratio gearbox (realEngine)
– At very low speed, the actual speed computing has been replaced (at low FPS, this was a real problem since the “mr engine” was provided with a non-zero value when the tractor was not moving)
– Some tweak of the AI Tractor: lower the implement a little before on the headland, turn the steering wheels even when not moving
– Some tweak of the autoparkbrake behavior
– Progressive sowing machine filling speed (about 5s to achieve “full” speed when filling the seed tank)
– Fix the bale “huge” price problem when playing on a map with a station accepting “hay_windrow”
– Fix the speed limit warning message not visible client side when playing mp
– “realAiWorkingSpeed” parameter available for implements. (to “force” the AI wanted speed)

Authors: Giants, SFM-Modding, Xentro, Dural


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